This post is a part of EmpowerU Life Writing’s Final Exhibition: check out the intro for more information!
"Our Home" and "My yesterday, today, and tomorrow"
written and performed by: Melnora Panisales Larios
Our Home
Our home was made with stone.
Where it was a typical up and down.
With 24 steps high, before you reach the top,
With two rooms as our bedrooms,
One for our parents and one for me and my two sisters
Downstairs a small living room,
With a sofa set made of bamboo.
Dining table with a rectangular shape, with six seats,
Where my father was at the center of the table,
At his right was me and my mom
And by his left hand my two sisters.
Kitchenwares were simple,
And we were using a water pump inside the home
Where you use your power to push up and down
To bring water out as our fresh drinking water.
Outside, you could see the sunrise bright,
Striking its rays
into deep blue water,
Where the dazzling breeze was seen every Summer,
And the soft waves kissing at the shore
All of this we could see by sitting in the gray sand and feel the natural gifts by the Lake.
But not all is permanent,
In our Province Laguna, in the Philippines
In 1972, and I’m a seven-year-old in that year
The trembling and peaceful waves turn into big waves.
That break our house into pieces and
No choice but for our parents to move
To our uncle’s home and sleep over with my two sisters
While my parents try to save what they can.
And in the early morning,
My parents decide to move and build again a new home for us
A new home by the lake
But with a dike in in the back
Made by stone, cement and high quality of steel
A simple bungalow.
And good memories of my childhood
To remind me where I belong…
My yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Tomorrow, how’s my tomorrow?
When I never see again the beautiful
lights of sunlight,
The glittering stars up in the sky
How to hug my family, friends and that
I love most
No one can predict tomorrow
It is a promise and a fulfillment
Many questions
That linger in our mind,
Not to worry, but a reality
Living here is all temporary
And tomorrow is a submission of our borrowed life.
Saying goodbye to those who we love
And they are crying for our lost,
And for those who are not happy, happy for us
Just hug in the air, and saying thankful for their
Comments for us
No looking back for hate, but to love
And walking happily to Tomorrow’s life
And these three seasons are most precious to
Because life is beautiful to keep good
When we exist there on Earth and enjoying
Our yesterday, today, tomorrow.